Southeast Kansas Achievers (SEKA)

What is Southeast Kansas Achievers, or SEKA?

Our mission is to prevent unnecessary out-of-home placement of youths who have severe emotional or behavioral challenges.

The SEKA program aims to help students develop positive personal attitudes and the social behaviors needed to function at school, in the community, and in their homes. It is designed to build competence and skill sets in leisure time training, health maintenance, needed academic areas, and personal relationships.

SEKA is a psychosocial treatment group for children through Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center. It is tailored to improve the social behavior of children with serious emotional disturbance (SED).

Participants benefit from SEKA's 4-to-1 child-to-staff ratio, which promotes an environment where individual and group goals can be established and worked on daily, laying the groundwork for significant progress. Children receive incentives for reaching their behavioral goals, which can range from following directions to working as a team.

Goal/Skill Activities
At least 30 minutes each day is spent developing a new goal or skill unique to each child. Children discuss the goal/skill, complete a focus worksheet, and participate in role-play activities to reinforce the message.

Community Field Trips
During field trips, children visit businesses, police stations, fire departments, restaurants, and other essential community resources.

Game/Group Activities
Each day, our SEKA groups participate in a game or activity to reinforce teamwork, anger control, and positive peer interactions.

To sign up for SEKA, please call your local mental health center to set an intake appointment for your child/family! Our mental health professional, along with the child's family, will determine whether the program has the ability to meet the needs of the child and family.

To become a Children's Aide for our SEKA program, visit our Careers page for more information!