We are who we are because of our employees!

Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center is a team in the real sense of the word. We collaborate. We support each other. We have a conscious and collective intention to help our community to be stronger, resilient, and healthier.
Bryan Cook, LMLP, Director of Crisis Services
Started with SEKMHC in 2004
I enjoy working at Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center for many reasons, but two of the most important factors are my coworkers and the support we offer each other. As a therapist, I am excited when those I work with have that moment of clarity and self-determination.
Debora J. Higginbotham, LMSW, LMAC, Outpatient Therapist
Started with SEKMHC in 2016
I enjoy the work/life balance at Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center. I really like working for an agency that cares about its clients, community, and employees all the same.
Megan Byram, LSCSW, Intake Therapist
Started with SEKMHC in 2022

SEKMHC provides a full benefits package to our employees.
Career Opportunities at SEKMHC
(All Counties)
QUALIFICATIONS: Must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent. Must pass KBI, SRS child abuse check, adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR): Assist the beneficiary with compensating for or eliminating functional deficits and interpersonal and/or environmental barriers associated with the beneficiary’s mental illness. Activities included must be intended to achieve the identified goals or objectives as set forth in the beneficiary’s individualized treatment plan.
The intent of PSR is to restore the fullest possible integration of the beneficiary as an active and productive member of his or her family, community, and/or culture with the least amount of ongoing professional intervention. PSR is a face-to-face intervention with the beneficiary present. Services may be provided individually or in a group setting. The majority of PSR contacts must occur in community locations where the beneficiary lives, works, attends school, and/or socializes.
a. Restoration and support with the development of social and interpersonal skills to increase community tenure, enhance personal relationships, establish support networks, increase community awareness, and develop coping strategies and effective functioning in the beneficiary’s social environment including home, work, and school.
b. Restoration and support with the development of daily living skills to improve self- management of the negative effects of psychiatric or emotional symptoms that interfere with a beneficiary’s daily living. Supporting the beneficiary with development and implementation of daily living skills and daily routines critical to remaining in home, school, work, and community.
c. Implement learned skills so the beneficiary may remain in a natural community location.
d. Assist the beneficiary to effectively respond to or avoid identified precursors or triggers that result in functional impairments.
e. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Executive Director.
1. One full-time equivalent (FTE) to eight beneficiaries is the maximum group size for adults.
2. One FTE to four beneficiaries is the maximum group size for youth.
3. Services are limited to beneficiaries who have been discharged within the last 60 days from an institutional level of care.
(Anderson County - Garnett)
QUALIFICATIONS: B.A. or B.S. in psychology, sociology, or social work from a regionally accredited university and certification by DCF upon completion of case management training. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Effective interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills
2. Ability to remain calm and function in a crisis situation.
3. Emotionally mature, sound judgment, and have a steady disposition.
4. Must be able to relate to emotionally disturbed children and persistently mentally ill adults.
5. Capable of working independently as well as part of a team.
6. Basic knowledge of normal and abnormal human behavior
1. Hours, Transportation & Support Locations:
a. On call: non-traditional, or atypical hours. Including some evenings, overnights, and holidays.
b. Transportation of clients across counties and across the state as requested.
c. Provide support in hospitals, schools, law enforcement venues, and other community site locations as requested by your supervisor.
2. Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment (CPST): Provide face-to-face, community-based interventions with Consumers that are solution-focused and goal-directed as determined by their individualized treatment plan.
a. Assist the consumer in identifying strategies or treatment options associated with the consumer's mental illness.
b. Provide individual supportive counseling, solution-focused interventions, emotional and behavioral management, and problem behavior analysis with the consumer.
c. Assist the Consumer in addressing functional deficits associated with the Consumer's mental illness by developing goals and objectives that identify and utilize their strengths and needs, resources, and natural supports.
d. Assist Consumers in remaining in their natural community locations by assisting them in identifying and effectively responding to or avoiding identified precursors or triggers.
e. Help identify a potential psychiatric or personal crisis and develop a crisis management plan to restore stability and functioning.
3. Targeted Case Management (TCM): The goal is to enhance the Consumer's independent functioning by assisting them in obtaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services in accordance with their individualized treatment plan. Supports include:
a. Treatment Planning:
i. Facilitating or coordinating the team treatment planning process to include consumers, treating therapists, families, and other natural supports.
ii. Assist in developing strengths-based goals and objectives, documenting the treatment plan, monitoring its effectiveness, and making changes when needed.
iii. Monitor treatment plan due dates, advise consumer and therapist of due date and schedule appointment for consumer to meet with therapist to update plan prior to expiration date.
b. Collateral Contacts: Coordinate Consumer's treatment needs via phone and written correspondence, as well as face-to-face contacts with other social service agencies, housing and employment resources, and medical services.
c. Access to Supports: Assist Consumer in obtaining access to needed medical social, educational, and other services. Also assist with applications for benefits and arrange transportation to needed services.
4. Other Services: Provide and/or coordinate these additional services as determined by the consumer's individualized treatment plan:
a. Attendant Care
b. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
c. Crisis Intervention or Stabilization
5. Direct Service Expectations: This position has a minimum service credit expectation and will be provided by your supervisor.
6. Documentation: Document services in accordance with state, federal and organizational regulations, policies, and procedures.
a. Must document all direct services and coordination of services in the consumer's electronic medical record (EMR).
b. Document services concurrently (i.e., simultaneous to services) and submit to EMR in accordance with policies, procedures and time requirements. Must be proficient with computers, typing and engaging consumers in documenting their progress.
c. Complete and submit month-end Consumer Status Reports.
7. Required Trainings:
a. Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment (CPST):
i. University of Kansas Basic Case Management Training (2 days) within 6 months after date hired.
ii. University of Kansas Advanced Case Management Training (1 per year) Attend within first year of employment and one training required each year thereafter.
b. Adult Attendant Care Online Training (Track B): Complete prior to delivery of service.
c. Targeted Case Management Online Training: Complete within 60 days of hire and prior to providing service.
d. Crisis Intervention (CI): Complete prior to delivery of service.
i. CI Online Training
Other In-house or Online Trainings as determined by your supervisor. Examples include:
b. Corporate Compliance
c. Cultural Competence, etc.
Core trainings are due within first year, employee advised by supervisor when trainings due.
8. Communicate effectively with all staff, consumers, and community partners.
a. Formulates and uses effective working relationships with all staff.
b. Demonstrates effective communication, demeanor and problem-solving skills with staff, consumers, consumers families, and community partners.
c. Respectful toward supervisor and coworkers and communicates concerns and needs through proper chain of command.
9. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
(Linn County - Pleasanton)
QUALIFICATIONS: B.A. or B.S. in psychology, sociology, or social work from a regionally accredited university and certification by DCF upon completion of case management training. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Effective interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills
2. Ability to remain calm and function in a crisis situation.
3. Emotionally mature, sound judgment, and have a steady disposition.
4. Must be able to relate to emotionally disturbed children and persistently mentally ill adults.
5. Capable of working independently as well as part of a team.
6. Basic knowledge of normal and abnormal human behavior
1. Hours, Transportation & Support Locations:
a. On call: non-traditional, or atypical hours. Including some evenings, overnights, and holidays.
b. Transportation of clients across counties and across the state as requested.
c. Provide support in hospitals, schools, law enforcement venues, and other community site locations as requested by your supervisor.
2. Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment (CPST): Provide face-to-face, community-based interventions with Consumers that are solution-focused and goal-directed as determined by their individualized treatment plan.
a. Assist the consumer in identifying strategies or treatment options associated with the consumer's mental illness.
b. Provide individual supportive counseling, solution-focused interventions, emotional and behavioral management, and problem behavior analysis with the consumer.
c. Assist the Consumer in addressing functional deficits associated with the Consumer's mental illness by developing goals and objectives that identify and utilize their strengths and needs, resources, and natural supports.
d. Assist Consumers in remaining in their natural community locations by assisting them in identifying and effectively responding to or avoiding identified precursors or triggers.
e. Help identify a potential psychiatric or personal crisis and develop a crisis management plan to restore stability and functioning.
3. Targeted Case Management (TCM): The goal is to enhance the Consumer's independent functioning by assisting them in obtaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services in accordance with their individualized treatment plan. Supports include:
a. Treatment Planning:
i. Facilitating or coordinating the team treatment planning process to include consumers, treating therapists, families, and other natural supports.
ii. Assist in developing strengths-based goals and objectives, documenting the treatment plan, monitoring its effectiveness, and making changes when needed.
iii. Monitor treatment plan due dates, advise consumer and therapist of due date and schedule appointment for consumer to meet with therapist to update plan prior to expiration date.
b. Collateral Contacts: Coordinate Consumer's treatment needs via phone and written correspondence, as well as face-to-face contacts with other social service agencies, housing and employment resources, and medical services.
c. Access to Supports: Assist Consumer in obtaining access to needed medical social, educational, and other services. Also assist with applications for benefits and arrange transportation to needed services.
4. Other Services: Provide and/or coordinate these additional services as determined by the consumer's individualized treatment plan:
a. Attendant Care
b. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
c. Crisis Intervention or Stabilization
5. Direct Service Expectations: This position has a minimum service credit expectation and will be provided by your supervisor.
6. Documentation: Document services in accordance with state, federal and organizational regulations, policies, and procedures.
a. Must document all direct services and coordination of services in the consumer's electronic medical record (EMR).
b. Document services concurrently (i.e., simultaneous to services) and submit to EMR in accordance with policies, procedures and time requirements. Must be proficient with computers, typing and engaging consumers in documenting their progress.
c. Complete and submit month-end Consumer Status Reports.
7. Required Trainings:
a. Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment (CPST):
i. University of Kansas Basic Case Management Training (2 days) within 6 months after date hired.
ii. University of Kansas Advanced Case Management Training (1 per year) Attend within first year of employment and one training required each year thereafter.
b. Adult Attendant Care Online Training (Track B): Complete prior to delivery of service.
c. Targeted Case Management Online Training: Complete within 60 days of hire and prior to providing service.
d. Crisis Intervention (CI): Complete prior to delivery of service.
i. CI Online Training
Other In-house or Online Trainings as determined by your supervisor. Examples include:
b. Corporate Compliance
c. Cultural Competence, etc.
Core trainings are due within first year, employee advised by supervisor when trainings due.
8. Communicate effectively with all staff, consumers, and community partners.
a. Formulates and uses effective working relationships with all staff.
b. Demonstrates effective communication, demeanor and problem-solving skills with staff, consumers, consumers families, and community partners.
c. Respectful toward supervisor and coworkers and communicates concerns and needs through proper chain of command.
9. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
(Bourbon County)
Must have a BA/BS degree or four years of equivalent education and/or experience working in the human services field. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Excellent communication (verbal and written), interpersonal, and organizational skills.
2. Respectful, supportive, and empathic ability to understand and work with the mentally ill.
3. Effectively provide leadership and supervision to staff
4. Team player and supportive working relationships with coworkers and community partners.
5. Collaborate effectively with consumer's natural and community resources.
6. Proficient with computers and word processing.
7. Ability to work independently in the community as well as a productive part of the team.
8. Basic proficiency in math and data analysis
The Placement and Support Case Manager will be a member of the ACT (Assertive Community Treatment) team and serve as a case manager for Supported Employment Support in our catchment area. This position is a case manager with a focus on supported employment. The goal will be to connect the clients we serve with jobs, trade programs, volunteer programs, etc. that would match their needs.
1. Individual Placement and Support Case Manager:
a. Work with persons with severe and persistent mental illness to assist them to choose, obtain, and retain employment the community.
b. Coordinate supported employment activities, documentation, treatment, program planning and goal setting for individuals served.
c. Provide Evidence Based Practices training to newly hired staff and provide information and updated training to current team members related to Supported Employment.
d. Provide coordination with treatment team who have questions regarding client issues, community resources, etc. while ensuring the treatment provided to clients is in accordance with SEKMHC policies and procedures.
e. Review goals and targets with Director – Clinical & CCBHC Grant Oversight to ensure that direct service goals are being met and develop plans to help team achieve.
f. Respectful toward supervisor and coworkers and communicates concerns and through proper chain of command.
g. Formulates and uses effective working relationships with all staff.
h. Demonstrates effective communication, demeanor, and problem-solving skills with staff, consumers, consumers families, and community partners.
2. Targeted Case Management (TCM): The goal is to enhance the Consumer's independent functioning by assisting them in obtaining access to needed medical, social, educational and other services in accordance to their individualized treatment plan. Supports include:
a. Treatment Planning:
i. Facilitating or coordinating the team treatment planning process to include consumers, families, and natural supports.
ii. Assist in developing strengths-based goals and objectives, documenting the treatment plan, monitoring its effectiveness, and making changes when needed.
iii. Monitor treatment plan due dates, advise consumer and therapist of due date and schedule appointment for consumer to meet with therapist to update plan prior to expiration date.
b. Collateral Contacts: Coordinate Consumer's treatment needs via phone and written correspondence, as well as face-to-face contacts with other social service agencies, schools, housing and employment resources, and medical services.
c. Access to Supports: Assist Consumer in obtaining access to needed medical social, educational, and other services. Also assist with applications for benefits and arrange transportation to needed services.
d. Service Coordination for Youth: Coordinate services and supports identified in the Consumer's wraparound or treatment plan. Must include coordination with family, significant others and with other systems of care such as education, juvenile justice
and child welfare.
3. Other Services: Provide and/or coordinate these additional services as determined by the consumer's individualized treatment plan:
a. Attendant Care
b. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
c. Crisis Intervention or Stabilization
4. Direct Service Expectations: This position has a minimum service credit expectation and will be provided by your supervisor.
5. Documentation: Document services in accordance with state, federal and organizational regulations, policies, and procedures.
a. Must document all direct services and coordination of services in the consumer's electronic medical record (EMR).
b. Document services concurrently (i.e., simultaneous to services) and submit to EMR in accordance to policies, procedures, and time requirements. Must be proficient with computers, typing and engaging consumers in documenting their progress.
c. Complete and submit month-end Consumer Status Reports.
6. Required Trainings: As determined by your supervisor. Examples include:
a. Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment (CPST)
b. Adult Attendant Care
c. Targeted Case Management
d. Crisis Intervention
Other In-house or Online Trainings as determined by your supervisor. Examples include:
b. Corporate Compliance
c. Cultural Competence, etc.
Core trainings are due within the first year, employee is advised by the supervisor when trainings are due.
7. Communicate effectively with all staff, consumers, and community partners.
a. Formulates and uses effective working relationships with all staff.
b. Demonstrates effective communication, demeanor and problem-solving skills with staff, consumers, families, and community partners.
c. Respectful toward supervisor and coworker and communicates concerns and needs through proper chain of command.
8. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
Master’s or doctoral degree required. Must be licensed through the Kansas BSRB. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Excellent communication (verbal and written) and interpersonal skills.
2. Operates efficiently in a variety of settings and offices.
3. Remain positive and flexible under work pressure.
4. Sound judgment in crisis and routine situations.
5. Proficient with computers and word processing.
6. Timely completion of records and other written documents.
The Integrative Care Therapist provides holistic and patient-centered therapeutic interventions to support individuals’ mental, emotional, and physical well-being. This role involves working collaboratively with other healthcare professionals to design and implement comprehensive treatment plans that incorporate various therapeutic modalities and lifestyle changes.
1. Intake and treatment need assessments.
2. Treatment plan development.
3. Individual, couples, family, and group therapy.
4. Consultation and education with community agencies, organizations, employers, or individuals.
5. Crisis intervention and emergency services.
6. Maintenance of records and documentation as required by State licensing requirements and Center policy.
7. Participation in clinical and administrative meetings.
8. Rotating on-call to complete Mental Health Reform and Medicaid Pre-Admission assessments.
9. Professional development through continuing education and professional reading.
10. Act in accordance with SEKMHC and professional ethical principles and guidelines; relevant State and Federal Statutes and Regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
11. Personal elements include the following:
a) Communicates well with clients, colleagues, staff, medical personnel, community agency personnel, and others.
b) Operates efficiently in a variety of settings and offices.
c) Sound judgment in crisis and routine situations.
d) Seeks consultation and supervision.
e) Timely completion of records and other written documents.
f) Computer skills, including proficiency with general software applications and centerspecific computer applications.
12. Direct Service Expectations: This position has a minimum service credit expectation and will be provided by your supervisor.
13. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
Completing an accredited nursing school program and current Kansas Board of Nursing license as an RN. One year of experience working in substance use disorder is
preferred. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Communicates well with medical personnel, clients, center employees, and others.
2. Operates efficiently in a variety of settings and offices.
3. Remain positive and flexible under work pressure.
4. Sound judgment in crisis and routine situations.
5. Timely completion of records and other written documents.
6. Ability to take manual blood pressure and pulse.
7. Critical thinking skills.
8. Knowledge of medications used in mental health and indications/dosages.
The MAT Registered Nurse will provide support to the APRN as well as support grant directives.
1. Working knowledge of Medication-Assisted Treatment and Medication for Opioid Use Disorder.
2. Administer psychotropic injections as ordered by the provider.
3. Perform Genesight and Aegis testing as ordered by the provider.
4. Give lab orders to patients for completion of labs when ordered by the provider.
5. Provide contracts for patients to sign for Controlled Substances when needed.
6. Check K-tracs on patients who are on controlled medications at least every six months.
7. Return client phone calls in a timely manner.
8. Refill medications in a timely manner.
9. Close and discharge patients as directed.
10. Prepare the provider’s notes/intakes for scheduled appointments.
11. Nursing assessments of clients seen in person and by phone as medication providers require. This includes the assessment of medication side effects and vital signs and the communication of
important information to medication providers.
12. Assist medication providers in one or more office locations. Maintain medication stock in compliance with Federal, State, and Center guidelines and requirements.
13. Scan medical documentation into the patient portal.
14. Detail to medication renewal systems as established by the Center.
15. Assist clients in the application process for the Patient Assistance Program and tracking of such applications.
16. Assist in tracking samples (incoming and outgoing) and performing a monthly inventory of samples.
17. Utilize computers to produce transcription reports, letters, and lists.
18. Stay current on research and best practices regarding MAT and substance use disorderprogramming.
19. CARN (Certified Addictions Registered Nurse) certification after 1 year of employment.
20. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
The Office Assistant is required to have a high school diploma or
equivalent. Experience in a medical office setting is preferable. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and
insured transportation.
1. Detailed oriented and organized.
2. Excellent customer service and public relations.
3. Ability to prioritize.
4. Maintaining Center confidentiality policies is required.
5. Excellent written and oral communication skills.
6. Good data entry skills.
7. Ability to use general office equipment.
1. Receive and greet visitors immediately upon approach.
2. Receive multi-line phone calls, take messages, and transfer calls.
3. Make appointments for clients and gather required information. Send required documents to complete to the client.
4. Receive payment for services or complete insurance reimbursement information.
5. Scan documents and place them in electronic medical records and file documents in client files.
6. Review and process requests for medical records.
7. Enter data on electronic medical record for each new client.
8. Enter data on provider’s schedules.
9. Assist walk-in clients or existing clients in crisis situations, making phone calls immediately to the crisis team or the executive director as needed.
10. Make appointment reminder calls.
11. Verify and update client reimbursements daily.
12. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
(Mound City)
QUALIFICATIONS: Must be licensable in Kansas through the Behavioral Science Regulatory Board. Masters or doctoral degree with Kansas BSRB license or temporary license as a Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP). Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult registry check, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
- Excellent communication (verbal and written) and interpersonal skills
- Operates efficiently in a variety of settings and offices
- Remain positive and flexible under work pressure
- Sound judgement in crisis and routine situations
- Proficient with computers and word processing
- Timely completion of records and other written documents
- Intake and treatment needs assessments
- Treatment plan development
- Assessments, evaluations, and report compilation
- Consultation and education with community agencies, organizations, employers, or individuals
- Crisis intervention and emergency services
- Maintenance of records and documentation as required by State licensing requirements and Center policy
- Participation in clinical and administrative meetings
- Provide education to school personnel, students, and families
- Professional development through continuing education and professional reading, and
- Act in accordance with Center and professional ethical principles and guidelines; relevant State and Federal Statutes and Regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer
Must have a BA/BS degree or four years of equivalent education and/or experience working in the human services field. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Excellent communication (verbal and written), interpersonal, and organizational skills.
2. Respectful, supportive, and empathic ability to understand and work with the mentally ill.
3. Team player and supportive working relationships with coworkers and community partners.
4. Collaborate effectively with consumer's natural and community resources.
5. Proficient with computers and word processing.
6. Ability to work independently in the community.
1. Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment (CPST): Provide face-to-face, community-based interventions with Consumers that are solution-focused and goal-directed as determined by their individualized treatment plan.
a. Assist consumer and family members or other collaterals to identify strategies or treatment options associated with the consumer's mental illness.
b. Provide individual supportive counseling, solution-focused interventions, emotional and behavioral management, and problem behavior analysis with the consumer.
c. Assist Consumer and family members or other collaterals in addressing functional deficits associated with the Consumer's mental illness by developing goals and objectives that identify and utilize their strengths and needs, resources, and natural supports.
d. Assist Consumers in remaining in their natural community locations by assisting them in identifying and effectively responding to or avoiding identified precursors or triggers. Also, help identify a potential psychiatric or personal crisis and develop a
crisis management plan to restore stability and functioning.
2. Targeted Case Management (TCM): The goal is to enhance the Consumer's independent functioning by assisting them in obtaining access to needed medical, social, educational and other services in accordance to their individualized treatment plan. Supports include:
a. Treatment Planning:
i. Facilitating or coordinating the team treatment planning process to include consumers, families, and natural supports.
ii. Assist in developing strengths-based goals and objectives, documenting the treatment plan, monitoring its effectiveness and making changes when needed.
b. Collateral Contacts: Coordinate Consumer's treatment needs via phone and written correspondence, as well as face-to-face contacts with other social service agencies, schools, housing and employment resources, and medical services.
c. Access to Supports: Assist Consumer in obtaining access to needed medical social, educational, and other services. Also assist with applications for benefits and arrange transportation to needed services.
d. Service Coordination for Youth: Coordinate services and supports identified in the Consumer's wraparound or treatment plan. Must include coordination with family, significant others and with other systems of care such as education, juvenile justice and child welfare.
3. Wraparound Facilitation: Form the wraparound team to produce a community-based, individualized Plan of Care. Responsibilities include:
a. Work with family to identify who should be involved in the wraparound team.
b. Guide the Plan of Care process and ensure waiver rules are followed.
c. Reassemble the team every 90 days and when Plan of Care reviews are needed.
d. Build collaboration and ongoing coordination among all team members and supports.
e. Must document all coordination in the youth's medical record.
4. Other Services: Provide and/or coordinate these additional services as determined by the consumer's individualized treatment plan or Waiver Plan of Care:
a. Attendant Care
b. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
c. Independent Living / Skills Building,
d. Parent Support and Training
e. Short Term Respite Care (Provided by SEK Respite).
f. Crisis Intervention or Stabilization
5. Direct Service Expectations: This position has a minimum service credit expectation and will be provided by our supervisor.
6. Documentation: Document services in accordance with state, federal and organizational regulations, policies, and procedures.
a. Must document all direct services and coordination of services in the consumer's electronic medical record (EMR).
b. Document services concurrently (i.e., simultaneous to services) and submit to EMR in accordance to policies, procedures and time requirements. Must be proficient with computers, typing and engaging consumers in documenting their progress.
c. Complete and submit month-end Consumer Status Reports.
7. Required Trainings:
Medicaid State Plan Non-Waiver Services (see include:
a. Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment (CPST):
i. CPST On-line: Complete within 60 days of hire.
ii. Interactive Community Event (ICE): Attend within 6 months of hire.
b. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Online Training (Track B): Complete prior to delivery of service.
c. Targeted Case Management Online Training: Complete within 60 days of hire and prior to attending ICE training.
d. Crisis Intervention (CI): Complete prior to delivery of service.
i. CI Online Training
ii. Nationally Recognized CI Training (e.g., Mandt training, provided in-house).
HCBS Medicaid Waiver Services (see as indicated by your consumer's treatment needs or required by your supervisor. Examples include:
e. Attendant Care (AC): Prior to delivery of service
f. Independent Living/Skills Building: Prior to delivery of service
g. Parent Support and Training (PST): Within 60 days of hire or after
h. Wrap-Around Facilitation (WAF): Prior to deliver you service
Other In-house or Online Trainings as determined by your supervisor. Examples include:
b. Corporate Compliance
c. Cultural Competence, etc.
8. Communicate effectively with all staff, consumers, and community partners.
a. Formulates and uses effective working relationships with allstaff.
b. Demonstrates effective communication, demeanor, and problem-solving skills with staff, consumers, families, and community partners.
c. Respectful toward supervisor and coworkers and communicates concerns and needs through proper chain of command.
9. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
(Neosho County)
QUALIFICATIONS: Must be licensable in Kansas through the Behavioral Science Regulatory Board. Masters or doctoral degree with Kansas BSRB license or temporary license as a Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP). Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult registry check, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
- Excellent communication (verbal and written) and interpersonal skills
- Operates efficiently in a variety of settings and offices
- Remain positive and flexible under work pressure
- Sound judgement in crisis and routine situations
- Proficient with computers and word processing
- Timely completion of records and other written documents
- Intake and treatment needs assessments
- Treatment plan development
- Assessments, evaluations, and report compilation
- Consultation and education with community agencies, organizations, employers, or individuals
- Crisis intervention and emergency services
- Maintenance of records and documentation as required by State licensing requirements and Center policy
- Participation in clinical and administrative meetings
- Provide education to school personnel, students, and families
- Professional development through continuing education and professional reading, and
- Act in accordance with Center and professional ethical principles and guidelines; relevant State and Federal Statutes and Regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer
Full Time
Must have a BA/BS degree or four years of equivalent education and/or experience working in the human services field. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured
1. Excellent communication (verbal and written) and interpersonal skills.
2. Respectful, supportive, and empathic ability to understand and work with the mentally ill.
3. Team player and supportive working relationships with coworkers and community partners.
4. Collaborate effectively with consumer's natural and community resources.
5. Proficient with computers and word processing.
6. Ability to work independently in the community
7. Strong organization skills.
1. Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment (CPST): Provide face-to-face, community based interventions with Consumers that are solution-focused and goal-directed as determined by their individualized treatment plan.
a. Assist consumer and family members or other collaterals to identify strategies or treatment options associated with the consumer's mental illness.
b. Provide individual supportive counseling, solution-focused interventions, emotional and behavioral management, and problem behavior analysis with the consumer.
c. Assist Consumer and family members or other collaterals in addressing functional deficits associated with the Consumer's mental illness by developing goals and objectives that identify and utilize their strengths and needs, resources, and natural supports.
d. Assist Consumer in remaining in their natural community locations by assisting them in identifying and effectively responding to or avoiding identified precursors or triggers. Also, help identify a potential psychiatric or personal crisis and develop a
crisis management plan to restore stability and functioning.
2. Targeted Case Management (TCM): The goal is to enhance the Consumer's independent functioning by assisting them in obtaining access to needed medical, social, educational and other services in accordance to their individualized treatment plan. Supports include:
a. Treatment Planning:
i. Facilitating or coordinating the team treatment planning process to include consumers, families, and natural supports.
ii. Assist in developing strengths-based goals and objectives, documenting the treatment plan, monitoring its effectiveness, and making changes when needed.
b. Collateral Contacts: Coordinate Consumer's treatment needs via phone and written correspondence, as well as face-to-face contacts with other social service agencies,
schools, housing and employment resources, and medical services.
c. Access to Supports: Assist Consumer in obtaining access to needed medical social, educational, and other services. Also assist with applications for benefits and arrange transportation to needed services.
d. Service Coordination for Youth: Coordinate services and supports identified in the Consumer's wraparound or treatment plan. Must include coordination with family, significant others and with other systems of care such as education, juvenile justice
and child welfare.
3. Wraparound Facilitation: Form the wraparound team to produce a community-based, individualized Plan of Care. Responsibilities include:
a. Work with family to identify who should be involved in the wraparound team.
b. Guide the Plan of Care process and ensure waiver rules are followed.
c. Reassemble the team every 90 days and when Plan of Care reviews are needed.
d. Build collaboration and ongoing coordination among all team members and supports.
e. Must document all coordination in the youth's medical record.
4. Other Services: Provide and/or coordinate these additional services as determined by the consumer's individualized treatment plan or Waiver Plan of Care:
a. Attendant Care
b. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
c. Independent Living / Skills Building,
d. Parent Support and Training
e. Short Term Respite Care (Provided by SEK Respite).
f. Crisis Intervention or Stabilization
5. Direct Service Expectations: This position has a minimum service credit expectation and will be provided by your supervisor.
6. Documentation: Document services in accordance with state, federal and organizational regulations, policies, and procedures.
a. Must document all direct services and coordination of services in the consumer's electronic medical record (EMR).
b. Document services concurrently (i.e., simultaneous to services) and submit to EMR in accordance to policies, procedures and time requirements. Must be proficient with computers, typing and engaging consumers in documenting their progress.
c. Complete and submit month-end Consumer Status Reports.
7. Required Trainings:
Medicaid State Plan Non-Waiver Services (see include:
a. Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment (CPST):
i. CPST On-line: Complete within 60 days of hire.
ii. Interactive Community Event (ICE): Attend within 6 months of hire.
b. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Online Training (Track B): Complete prior to delivery of service.
c. Targeted Case Management Online Training: Complete within 60 days of hire and prior to attending ICE training.
d. Crisis Intervention (CI): Complete prior to delivery of service.
i. CI Online Training
ii. Nationally Recognized CI Training (e.g., Mandt training, provided in-house).
HCBS Medicaid Waiver Services (see as indicated by your consumer's treatment needs or required by your supervisor. Examples include:
e. Attendant Care (AC): Prior to delivery of service
f. Independent Living/Skills Building: Prior to delivery of service
g. Parent Support and Training (PST): Within 60 days of hire or after
h. Wrap-Around Facilitation (WAF): Prior to deliver you service
Other In-house or Online Trainings as determined by your supervisor. Examples include:
b. Corporate Compliance
c. Cultural Competence, etc.
8. Communicate effectively with all staff, consumers, and community partners.
a. Formulates and uses effective working relationships with allstaff.
b. Demonstrates effective communication, demeanor and problem-solving skills with staff, consumers, families, and community partners. Respectful toward supervisor and coworkers and communicates concerns and needs through proper chain of command.
9. SEKA Children’s Program Coordinator
a. Turn in all staff daily service logs and roll call sheets directly to Humboldt via packet, e-mail, or fax as appropriate.
b. Service log and roll call sheets should be sent in on the same day.
c. Check service logs and roll call sheets to ensure they are correct and match.
d. Review units and times on the logs to ensure they are correct and match.
e. Collect all staff progress notes during team meeting.
f. Ensure narrative part of the note meets quality standard.
g. Ensure that appropriate reference number is included for each day, confirmation code, units, time of service and location are added as appropriate.
h. Ensure that on each progress note the assigned therapist for each child name is included on the note to be written in the top right-hand corner
i. After reviewing notes, turn the notes in directly to HU on Friday via the packets or mail depending on which county for verification and scanning.
10. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
(Bourbon + Linn Counties)
Must have a BA/BS degree or four years of equivalent education and/or experience working in the human services field. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Excellent communication (verbal and written) and interpersonal skills.
2. Respectful, supportive, and empathic ability to understand and work with the mentally ill.
3. Team player and supportive working relationships with coworkers and community partners.
4. Collaborate effectively with consumer's natural and community resources.
5. Proficient with computers and word processing.
6. Ability to work independently in the community.
7. Strong organizational skills.
1. Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment (CPST): Provide face-to-face, community-based interventions with Consumers that are solution-focused, and goal directed as determined by their individualized treatment plan.
a. Assist consumer in identifying strategies or treatment options associated with the consumer's mental illness.
b. Provide individual supportive counseling, solution focused interventions, emotional and behavioral management, and problem behavior analysis with the consumer.
c. Assist Consumer in addressing functional deficits associated with the Consumer's mental illness by developing goals and objectives that identify and utilize their strengths and needs, resources, and natural supports.
d. Assist Consumer in remaining in their natural community locations by assisting them in identifying and effectively responding to or avoiding identified precursors or
triggers. Also help identify a potential psychiatric or personal crisis and develop a crisis management plan to restore stability and functioning.
2. Targeted Case Management (TCM): The goal is to enhance the Consumer's independent functioning by assisting them in obtaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and
other services in accordance to their individualized treatment plan. Supports include:
a. Treatment Planning:
i. Facilitating or coordinating the team treatment planning process to include consumers, treating therapist, families, and other natural supports.
ii. Assist in developing strengths-based goals and objectives, documenting the treatment plan, monitoring its effectiveness and making changes when needed.
iii. Monitor treatment plan due dates, advise consumer and therapist of due date and schedule appointment for consumer to meet with therapist to update plan prior to expiration date.
b. Collateral Contacts: Coordinate Consumer's treatment needs via phone and written correspondence, as well as face-to-face contacts with other social service agencies, housing and employment resources, and medical services.
c. Access to Supports: Assist Consumer in obtaining access to needed medical social, educational, and other services. Also assist with applications for benefits and arrange transportation to needed services.
3. Other Services: Provide and/or coordinate these additional services as determined by the consumer's individualized treatment plan:
a. Attendant Care
b. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
c. Crisis Intervention or Stabilization
4. Direct Service Expectations: This position has a minimum service credit expectation and will be provided by your supervisor.
5. Documentation: Document services in accordance with state, federal and organizational regulations, policies, and procedures.
a. Must document all direct services and coordination of services in the consumer's electronic medical record (EMR).
b. Document services concurrently (i.e., simultaneous to services) and submit to EMR in accordance to policies, procedures and time requirements. Must be proficient with computers, typing and engaging consumers in documenting their progress.
c. Complete and submit month-end Consumer Status Reports.
6. Required Trainings:
a. Community Psychiatric Support and Treatment (CPST):
i. University of Kansas Basic Case Management Training (2 days) within 6 months after date hired.
ii. University of Kansas Advanced Case Management Training (1 per year) Attend within first year of employment and one training required each year thereafter.
b. Adult Attendant Care Online Training (Track B): Complete prior to delivery of service.
c. Targeted Case Management Online Training: Complete within 60 days of hire and prior to providing service.
d. Crisis Intervention (CI): Complete prior to delivery of service.
i. CI Online Training
Other In-house or Online Trainings as determined by your supervisor. Examples include: RELIAS (
b. Corporate Compliance
c. Cultural Competence, etc. Core trainings are due within first year, employee advised by supervisor when trainings due.
7. Communicate effectively with all staff, consumers, and community partners.
a. Formulates and uses effective working relationships with all staff.
b. Demonstrates effective communication, demeanor and problem-solving skills with staff, consumers, consumers families, and community partners.
c. Respectful toward supervisor and coworkers and communicates concerns and needs through proper chain of command.
8. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
(All Counties)
Must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent. Must pass KBI, SRS child abuse check, adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR): Assist the beneficiary with compensating for or eliminating functional deficits and interpersonal and/or environmental barriers associated with the beneficiary’s mental illness. Activities included must be intended to achieve the identified goals or objectives as set forth in the beneficiary’s individualized treatment plan.
The intent of PSR is to restore the fullest possible integration of the beneficiary as an active and productive member of his or her family, community, and/or culture with the least amount of ongoing professional intervention. PSR is a face-to-face intervention with the beneficiary present. Services may be provided individually or in a group setting. The majority of PSR contacts must occur in community locations where the beneficiary lives, works, attends school, and/or socializes.
a. Restoration and support with the development of social and interpersonal skills to increase community tenure, enhance personal relationships, establish support networks, increase community awareness, and develop coping strategies and effective functioning in the beneficiary’s social environment including home, work, and school.
b. Restoration and support with the development of daily living skills to improve self- management of the negative effects of psychiatric or emotional symptoms that interfere with a beneficiary’s daily living. Supporting the beneficiary with development and implementation of daily living skills and daily routines critical to remaining in home, school, work, and community.
c. Implement learned skills so the beneficiary may remain in a natural community location.
d. Assist the beneficiary to effectively respond to or avoid identified precursors or triggers that result in functional impairments.
e. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Executive Director.
1. One full-time equivalent (FTE) to eight beneficiaries is the maximum group size for adults.
2. One FTE to four beneficiaries is the maximum group size for youth.
3. Services are limited to beneficiaries who have been discharged within the last 60 days from an institutional level of care.
Career Opportunities at Ashley Clinic
Master’s or doctoral degree required. Must be licensed through the Kansas BSRB. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Excellent communication (verbal and written) and interpersonal skills.
2. Operates efficiently in a variety of settings and offices.
3. Remain positive and flexible under work pressure.
4. Sound judgment in crisis and routine situations.
5. Proficient with computers and word processing.
6. Timely completion of records and other written documents.
The Integrative Care Therapist provides holistic and patient-centered therapeutic interventions to support individuals’ mental, emotional, and physical well-being. This role involves working collaboratively with other healthcare professionals to design and implement comprehensive treatment plans that incorporate various therapeutic modalities and lifestyle changes.
1. Intake and treatment need assessments.
2. Treatment plan development.
3. Individual, couples, family, and group therapy.
4. Consultation and education with community agencies, organizations, employers, or individuals.
5. Crisis intervention and emergency services.
6. Maintenance of records and documentation as required by State licensing requirements and Center policy.
7. Participation in clinical and administrative meetings.
8. Rotating on-call to complete Mental Health Reform and Medicaid Pre-Admission assessments.
9. Professional development through continuing education and professional reading.
10. Act in accordance with SEKMHC and professional ethical principles and guidelines; relevant State and Federal Statutes and Regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
11. Personal elements include the following:
a) Communicates well with clients, colleagues, staff, medical personnel, community agency personnel, and others.
b) Operates efficiently in a variety of settings and offices.
c) Sound judgment in crisis and routine situations.
d) Seeks consultation and supervision.
e) Timely completion of records and other written documents.
f) Computer skills, including proficiency with general software applications and center-specific computer applications.
12. Direct Service Expectations: This position has a minimum service credit expectation and will be provided by your supervisor.
13. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
The Medical Assistant is required to have a high school diploma or
equivalent. Six months in a clinical setting is preferred. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured
1. Communicates well with medical personnel, clients, and others.
2. Excellent written and oral communication skills.
3. Detail-oriented with good organizational skills and strong assessment skills.
4. Knowledge of medical equipment and instruments with which to administer patient care.
5. Ability to react calmly and effectively in an emergency situation.
1. Maintain knowledge of medical equipment and instruments with which to administer patient care.
2. Provide consultation to the medical staff who have questions regarding client issues, community resources, etc., while ensuring the treatment provided to clients is in accordance with SEKMHC & Ashley Clinic policies and procedures.
3. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with patients, medical staff, and the public.
4. Maintain strict patient confidentiality in accordance with HIPAA regulations, federal and state guidelines, and regulations.
5. Aid health care providers and nurses in exam rooms; take patient vitals, change patient dressings, etc.
6. Respond timely to patient inquiries, provider recommendations, and results of ancillary services (lab and radiology).
7. Make patient appointments inside the clinic and with outside providers and enter orders and referrals into electronic health records.
8. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
Must be licensed from the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts as a Medical Doctor. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Excellent communication (verbal and written) and interpersonal skills.
2. Operates efficiently in a variety of settings and offices.
3. Remain positive and flexible under work pressure.
4. Sound judgment in crisis and routine situations.
5. Proficient with computers and word processing.
6. Timely completion of records and other written documents.
1. Fulfill all duties and services per Employment Agreement.
2. Manages the medical plan of care prescribed for the patient, based upon protocols and guidelines.
3. Assesses complete medical history and physical on patients, aged newborn through geriatrics.
4. Orders and/or performs diagnostic tests and treatment according to established protocol and analyzes data collected to determine health status.
5. Executes diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
6. Provides follow-up and maintenance care in accordance with established protocols.
7. Collaborates with the patient and members of the healthcare team to provide acute and ongoing healthcare or referral of the patient.
8. Maintains strict patient confidentiality and familiarity with all HIPAA guidelines.
9. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
QUALIFICATIONS: Successful completion of accredited nursing school program and current Kansas Board of Nursing license as RN. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Communicates well with medical personnel, clients, center employees, and others.
2. Operates efficiently in a variety of settings and offices.
3. Remain positive and flexible under work pressure.
4. Sound judgment in crisis and routine situations.
5. Timely completion of records and other written documents.
6. Ability to take manual blood pressure and pulse.
7. Knowledge of meds/doses and what meds are for.
1. Administer medications and treatments as prescribed by physicians and document patient response. Monitor and record vital signs, symptoms, and changes in patient conditions.
2. Maintain knowledge of medical equipment and instruments to administer patient care.
3. Consult with the medical staff who have questions regarding client issues, community resources, etc., while ensuring the treatment provided to clients is in accordance with SEKMHC and Ashley Clinic policies and procedures.
4. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with patients, medical staff, and the public.
5. Maintain strict patient confidentiality in accordance with HIPAA regulations, federal and state guidelines, and regulations.
6. Assist health care providers in exam rooms; take patient vitals, change patient dressings, give injections/immunizations, etc.
7. Prepare and maintain supplies and equipment for treatment.
8. Provide patient education by provider guidelines.
9. Enter orders and referrals into electronic health records.
10. Respond timely to patient inquiries about provider recommendations and the results of ancillary services (lab and radiology).
11. Make patient appointments inside the clinic and with outside providers and enter orders and referrals into electronic health records.
12. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
1. Substance Use Counselor: Potential applicants must be licensed or immediately eligible for licensure in Kansas as an LAC, LCAC, or LMAC. Preference would be given to an applicant who is dually licensed as both a QMHP and a LAC, LCAC, or LMAC.
Requires BA/BS in Sociology, Social Work, Psychology or AA degree in Chemical Dependency or related field with relevant field placement or practicum experience or minimum of three years of successful counseling experience and continuing education in the Chemical Abuse field. Will give preference to master’s degree and dually licensed clinical staff but willing to consider full-time chemical abuse counselor at the Bachelor level.
2. Outpatient Therapist: Must be licensable in Kansas through the Behavioral Science Regulatory Board. Masters or doctoral degree with Kansas BSRB license or temporary license as a Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP).
3. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Ability to meet the community’s needs.
2. Knowledge of resources available to ensure quality client care.
3. Knowledge of adjunct resources for treatment.
4. Group facilitating skills.
5. Ability to conduct face-to-face clinical evaluations.
6. Knowledge of treatment strategies relevant to client needs.
1. Intake and treatment needs assessments
2. Treatment plan development
3. Individual, couples, family, and group therapy
4. Consultation and education with community agencies, organizations, employers, or individuals
5. Crisis intervention and emergency services
6. Maintenance of records and documentation as required by State licensing requirements and Center policy
7. Participation in clinical and administrative meetings
8. Rotating on-call to complete Mental Health Reform and Medicaid Pre-Admission assessments
9. Professional development through continuing education and professional reading
10. Act in accordance with Center and professional ethical principles and guidelines; relevant State and Federal Statutes and Regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act
11. Personal elements include the following:
a) Communicates well with clients, colleagues, staff, medical personnel, personnel of community agencies and others.
b) Operates efficiently in a variety of settings and offices.
c) Sound judgment in crisis and routine situations.
d) Seeks consultation and supervision.
e) Timely completion of records and other written documents.
f) Computer skills including proficiency with general software applications andCenterspecific computer applications.
12. Direct Service Expectations: This position has a minimum service credit expectation and will be provided by your supervisor.
13. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
Career Opportunities at Yates Center Dental
(Yates Center)
The Dental Hygienist is required to have a degree from an accredited dental hygiene program and a state license to practice. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured
1. Knowledge of dental instruments, tools, and sterilization techniques.
2. Proficiency in taking X-rays and operating dental equipment.
3. Communicate well with medical personnel, clients, and others.
4. Excellent written and oral communication skills.
5. Detail-oriented with good organizational skills and strong assessment skills.
6. Ability to react calmly and effectively in an emergency.
1. Review patient medical histories and perform initial screenings to assess overall oral health. This includes taking and analyzing X-rays, checking for signs of oral disease, and measuring the gums for periodontal health.
2. Clean teeth to remove plaque, tartar, and stains using specialized tools, such as scalers, ultrasonic instruments, and polishes.
3. Educate patients on oral hygiene practices, such as brushing, flossing, and fluoride.
4. Apply fluoride treatments and sealants to prevent decay.
5. Work alongside dentists to help diagnose oral health issues like cavities, gum disease, and oral cancers, often preparing the patient for further examination or treatment.
6. Maintain detailed records of patient treatments and progress, noting any changes in oral health.
7. Ensure all instruments and the treatment area are properly sterilized and meet health and safety standards.
8. Administer local anesthesia to numb specific areas before treatments like cleanings.
9. Prepare patients for dental treatments, including taking medical histories and assisting during procedures.
10. Prepare and maintain dental materials, such as fillings, molds, and sealants, for use in treatments.
11. Follow safety and infection control protocols, including sterilizing instruments, disinfecting the treatment area, and maintaining a clean and safe work environment.
12. Perform other duties as assigned by Supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
(Yates Center)
Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree from an accredited dental school and state licensure to practice dentistry. Must pass KBI, DCF child & adult abuse registry, motor vehicle screen, and background checks. Must have reliable and insured transportation.
1. Strong manual dexterity and attention to detail.
2. Knowledge of dental instruments, tools, and sterilization techniques.
3. Proficiency in taking X-rays and operating dental equipment.
4. Communicate well with medical personnel, clients, and others.
5. Excellent written and oral communication skills.
6. Detail-oriented with good organizational skills and strong assessment skills.
7. Ability to react calmly and effectively in an emergency.
1. Provide complete, comprehensive outpatient care for dental/oral conditions, including oral examination and treatment of conditions, including follow-up of problems detected.
2. Examine patients’ teeth, gums, and mouth for signs of disease or other oral health problems.
3. Use diagnostic tools such as X-rays, tests, and visual inspections to assess oral health.
4. Perform dental procedures such as fillings, extractions, crowns, bridges, and root canals.
5. Administer local anesthesia for pain management during procedures and prescribe medications for patients for treatment of conditions as indicated.
6. Recommend preventive care practices, including proper oral hygiene, diet advice, and regular check-ups.
7. Repair damaged teeth or replace missing ones using fillings, crowns, or dentures.
8. Perform cosmetic procedures like whitening or veneers to improve the appearance of teeth.
9. Educate patients about oral health care and hygiene practices.
10. Provide guidance on proper brushing, flossing techniques, and diet choices for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
11. Work alongside dental hygienists, dental assistants, and other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care.
12. Refer patients to specialists, such as orthodontists or periodontists.
13. Maintain accurate records of patient treatments, diagnoses, and medical history.
14. Perform other duties as assigned by supervisor or the Chief Executive Officer.
Application Process
- Download our application here and complete it. Save it.
- Email or upload your completed application and resume. Our email address is: If you’re emailing, please include the job title in the subject line. You will receive an automatic confirmation that your application was received.
- If you would prefer to mail your application and resume to us, please send them to: Southeast Kansas Mental Health Center ATTN: Human Resources PO Box 807 Iola, KS 66749