Clinical Team
June Adams, LMSW
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Pamela Allen, LSCSW
Outpatient Therapist
LeighAnn Anderson, LPC
Outpatient Therapist
Scout Henry, LPC
Outpatient Therapist
Abigail Basham, LPC
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Chelsea Bearrick, LMSW
Outpatient Therapist
Angel Brazeal, LMSW
Outpatient Therapist
Megan Byram, LSCSW
Intake Therapist
Bryan Cook, LMLP
Director of Crisis Services
Amanda Denton, MSN, CNS, PMHNP, FNP, APRN
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Andrew Dillingham, LCP
Crisis Therapist
Ashleigh Dooley, LMSW
Outpatient Therapist/Manager of Quality and Compliance
Danielle Edwards, LPC
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Jessica Eltomi, LMFT
School-based Therapist
Jennifer Ensminger, LMSW
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Carol Esau, M.S., LMFT
Outpatient Therapist
Rachel Foster, LCP
Crisis Therapist
Blair Gaede, LMFT, LMAC
Outpatient Therapist
Elizabeth Garton, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Rachel Haigler, LPC
Outpatient Therapist
Angela Hancock, LPC
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Cody Haviland, LMSW
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Cheryl Headley, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Dr. John Helton, LP
Outpatient Therapist
Sarah Henderson-Hodges, LMSW
Crisis Therapist
Linda Her, LMSW
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Debora J. Higginbotham, LSCSW, LMAC
Outpatient Therapist
Michelle Hoag, LSCSW
Clinical Director
Deidra Johnson, MS, LCP, LCAC
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Jessica Johnston, LMSW
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Bryan Kent, LPC, MA, NCC
Outpatient Therapist
Teagan Kern, LMSW
Outpatient Therapist
Sasha Kibler, LMSW
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Carly Klenklen, LMSW
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Sarah Lange, LSCSW
Outpatient Therapist
Kristi Lickteig, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Janderon Loyd, LMSW
Outpatient Therapist
Macole Martin, PMHNP-BC
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Taelyn Mathews, LMSW
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Heather McClendon, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Shani McCurry, LCP, LCAC
Outpatient Therapist
Jessica McGinnis, LMSW
Outpatient Therapist
Alexis McMillin, Ed.S., LMLP
Intake Therapist
Dr. Antigone Means, LP
Outpatient Therapist
Kimberly Mitchell, LMSW
Outpatient Therapist
Steve Murdock, LCPC
Outpatient Therapist
Kathryn Newman, LSCSW, LCAC
Outpatient Therapist
Sally Orth, LMSW
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Jeffrey Ready, LCP
Outpatient Therapist
Jarrod Reichelt, LMLP
Telehealth Outpatient Therapist
Rachel Reis da Silva, LSCSW
Outpatient Therapist
Tandra Rhuems, LCP
Outpatient Therapist
Jeanette Rogers, LMLP
Outpatient Therapist and Clinical Expansion Coordinator
Paige Rupp,
Outpatient Therapist
Rhoda Schwindt, LSCSW
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Larry Shepherd, LAC
Chemical Abuse Counselor
Laura Steenburgen, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Ekaterina Sterkhova-Ortiz, LMLP
Outpatient Therapist
Jordan Stirewalt, LMSW
Outpatient Therapist
Janalin Taylor, LSCSW
Director of Adult Services
Krista Tummons, LAC, LMSW
Chemical Abuse Counselor
Carolyn Viets, LPC
Outpatient Therapist
Ashlin Wait, LMSW
School-based Outpatient Therapist
Dr. Amy White-Blakesley, LP
Clinical Supervisor and Outpatient Therapist
Dr. Doug Wright, Ph.D, LP
Chief Operating Officer